Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Just you and me punk rock girl!

Punk Rock Girl : Dead Milkmen

Oh, what I would give for a nice digital camera. I didn't think I'd ever say that, but it really would be nice for this blog to have pictures. I could use Larry's, I guess, but my hands aren't very steady and I have a hard time getting pictures that aren't shaky. I love photography. I am in love with the darkroom. It seems backwards that I have all the patience in the world for tinkering around in the darkroom and none for Photoshop. Photoshop is incredibly easy, but I really do have a hard time with it. I like being able to hold the prints in my hand and compare them before deciding what to do, and I have a hard time doing that on the computer. DSLRs are so pricey, but you know, I won't have it any other way. That leaves me with the option of getting a scanner myself, using the one in the computer lab at school, or taking shaky pictures with Larry's camera.

I have a feeling I'll be spending a lot of time in the computer lab.

Today is a lazy day. My drawing professor is at a conference, and my photography professor is out of town conducting some interviews. I got up for class, and got there and found out the GTA who was supposed to teach class today is sick. Last night, I pre-drafted a three ounce bundle of roving I have into nice roving puffs and I'm tackling that. I wonder if I'll get it all done today. You know, this is why I have cable TV. I turn it on to a movie or National Geographic or Law and Order: SVU and get to work. It's nice, and pretty strange. I actually have a TV schedule. I never thought I'd be the person who had a line-up of shows, but I get so much knitting or spinning done while I watch TV. If I just sat and knit or spun in silence, I'd be bored in about half an hour. It's nice to have a visual and aural break occasionally.

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