Friday, February 16, 2007

And now with pictures!

Here are some nice puffballs. The gray is 100% merino I got from Cottage Fiber, and the green is 67% wool and 33% alpaca that I got from ebay.

Some finished skeins!

Here is how far I got with the gray before the green came in the mail:

And an action shot of the green!

Larry left for Chicago this morning, and today is my sister's birthday. She and Dad also left for Chicago this morning. Dad and Sarah are going to the Blackhawks game for her birthday, and Larry is going to the game with another friend of ours. I am hanging out here and getting my homework done. I guess I should get back to spinning so I can draw it with more on the spindle. It's funny how I'm in two art classes and two gen eds and my art classes are much more demanding. I wasn't exactly expecting that. I knew they'd be involved, but I just didn't realize how much work they would be. I love it, though. Finally, I feel like I'm in art classes where I'm actually doing something.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Just you and me punk rock girl!

Punk Rock Girl : Dead Milkmen

Oh, what I would give for a nice digital camera. I didn't think I'd ever say that, but it really would be nice for this blog to have pictures. I could use Larry's, I guess, but my hands aren't very steady and I have a hard time getting pictures that aren't shaky. I love photography. I am in love with the darkroom. It seems backwards that I have all the patience in the world for tinkering around in the darkroom and none for Photoshop. Photoshop is incredibly easy, but I really do have a hard time with it. I like being able to hold the prints in my hand and compare them before deciding what to do, and I have a hard time doing that on the computer. DSLRs are so pricey, but you know, I won't have it any other way. That leaves me with the option of getting a scanner myself, using the one in the computer lab at school, or taking shaky pictures with Larry's camera.

I have a feeling I'll be spending a lot of time in the computer lab.

Today is a lazy day. My drawing professor is at a conference, and my photography professor is out of town conducting some interviews. I got up for class, and got there and found out the GTA who was supposed to teach class today is sick. Last night, I pre-drafted a three ounce bundle of roving I have into nice roving puffs and I'm tackling that. I wonder if I'll get it all done today. You know, this is why I have cable TV. I turn it on to a movie or National Geographic or Law and Order: SVU and get to work. It's nice, and pretty strange. I actually have a TV schedule. I never thought I'd be the person who had a line-up of shows, but I get so much knitting or spinning done while I watch TV. If I just sat and knit or spun in silence, I'd be bored in about half an hour. It's nice to have a visual and aural break occasionally.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Man, do I have project ADD

So. I have Endpaper Mitts. One down, one to go. I have a pair of orange socks. 3/4s of one down, 1 and 1/4 to go. I have a pair of hobo glove mittens at about the same progress as the sock. I STARTED ANOTHER PAIR OF SOCKS. I have my sister's Swallowtail Shawl to finish. And I am about to cast on for a hat for her.

Oh and did I mention that I've abandoned all of these for spinning?

Friday, February 9, 2007

Just sayin'.

I think the first side of "Born To Run" is one of finest ever recorded.