Friday, February 16, 2007

And now with pictures!

Here are some nice puffballs. The gray is 100% merino I got from Cottage Fiber, and the green is 67% wool and 33% alpaca that I got from ebay.

Some finished skeins!

Here is how far I got with the gray before the green came in the mail:

And an action shot of the green!

Larry left for Chicago this morning, and today is my sister's birthday. She and Dad also left for Chicago this morning. Dad and Sarah are going to the Blackhawks game for her birthday, and Larry is going to the game with another friend of ours. I am hanging out here and getting my homework done. I guess I should get back to spinning so I can draw it with more on the spindle. It's funny how I'm in two art classes and two gen eds and my art classes are much more demanding. I wasn't exactly expecting that. I knew they'd be involved, but I just didn't realize how much work they would be. I love it, though. Finally, I feel like I'm in art classes where I'm actually doing something.

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